April 29, 2024
Amerigo Stories
Amerigo's Signature Schools Have a Higher Than Average UC Acceptance Rate!
Students from across our Amerigo Signature California schools have a 20.3% higher acceptance rate to University of California schools than the average student!

Students from across our Amerigo Signature California schools have a 20.3% higher acceptance rate to University of California schools than the average student!
The average acceptance rate for high school seniors hoping to attend a University of California school is 40.2% - but at our California-based Amerigo Signature Schools, the average acceptance rate is an incredible 60.58%!
See below for the average Freshman Acceptance Rate at the University of California schools:

See below for the University of California acceptance rate from Amerigo’s California-Based Signature Campuses

University of California schools are ranked among the best in the world, and for good reason. The school system offers students an incredible education at rigorous and selective universities, with every UC campus ranking in the Top 100 Universities by US News and World Report.
The UC school system is so highly regarded that many international families choose their high school study abroad destinations based University of California graduate acceptance ratings.
Begin your own study abroad journey – click here to learn more about Amerigo’s Signature campuses.
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